Tuesday 26 March 2013

Customer Service The Arik Way

Hello sweethearts, it has been quite a while since I last wrote. For those of you who enjoy reading this blog, I sincerely apologise. Sometimes life just takes over but I'm back now...yay!! Lol.
It took Arik Air annoying me to breaking point to bring me straight back but hey I'm here that's the important thing.

So I was on the 1pm Arik flight from Abuja to Lagos today (being exactly a week ago...sorry). Haven missed my flight yesterday, I decided to go early to the airport. I got to Abuja airport at about 11am. There was a flight scheduled for 11am, another one for noon and then mine at 1pm. Seeing as I was so early, I asked if it was at all possible to change my flight for the one at noon. I was assured that there were no seats left on that flight and so I was checked in for my 1pm flight. At check in, I was informed that I would be required to identify my luggage at the foot of the plane before boarding. I thanked the guy and went on to the lounge for the two hour wait for the flight. So far, no problems at all.

My flight was eventually called slightly late and I proceeded to boarding. On getting to the foot of the plane, the first batch of luggage was already by the plane but mine was not one of them. I patiently waited for the next batch (under the scorching sun I might add) but again my bag did not make it out. At this point, I thought it best to find out if there was a problem. I turned around and asked one of the baggage handlers if there were any more luggage left to be brought out, but to my surprise, he totally ignored me. I automatically thought he didnt hear me so I  moved closer to him and repeated the question but still, he did not respond'. Hmmm.... I then moved even closer, made eye contact and again repeated the question. I still cannot believe his response so I will quote him. He said to me, "can you not see that I am busy loading bags?" What??? I can not adequately describe what I felt. So I in turn asked him if he was busy carrying the bags with his mouth lol. I then proceeded to give him a good telling off! He wasn't sorry at all. At this point I was getting a bit nervous knowing Arik Airline's reputation for tampering with luggage and because it was becoming clear to me that they probably do not have a set procedure for handling baggage. Anyway I spoke to another baggage handler who asked one of their staff to take me to the baggage holding area to check. We went there and still no sign of my bag. We eventually went all the way back to the check in desk but - you guessed right - I still did not find my  bag. I'm now thinking it might make a difference to speak to someone who actually works for the airline. I managed to get the attention of one of the guys at the check in desk and before I even finished my statement he was already saying to me " It might already be in Lagos. You better get on the plane so that you dont end up missing your flight as well as your luggage" - Really??? At this point I am actually too amazed to be angry. I even felt some sort of pity because it became obvious to me that these people get no training on the job. Anyway, I calmly tell him that is not good enough and I would hate to get to Lagos and be told that they dont even know what I am talking about - because quite frankly, I cannot put anything past them at this point. So I asked to speak to a manager and the guy casually pointed just behind me and said "that the my manager" Okay??? He has been sitting there nonchalantly all the while and did not think it necessary to intervene....wow! So, I go right ahead and tell him what the problem is. He then very lazily asked the same guy who had just brought me there to check, to take me back to check the same places we already did! On pointing that fact out to him, he the just as lazily scribbles a phone number on my boarding pass asking me to call that number as that person is their baggage tracer. Hmmmm..... I shook my head and went on to board the plane hoping for their sake that I did find my luggage in Lagos because I would not just roll over and let it slide if I did not.

Somehow, the pilot was able to catch up on time and landed us in Lagos on schedule. I was obviously eager to get to the baggage collection area so I hurried off. Lo and behold, on getting there, I quickly scanned the room with my eyes and right there in a far corner was my missing bag but that wasnt even the shocker. Here is the shocker. I walked across the room, took my bag and strolled straight out of the airport without anyone asking me a single thing! Basically, anyone could have taken my bag and that would be it. Their "baggage tracer" would be none the wiser.

Two things really hit home for me as a result of this episode. One is that we get by only by the grace of God. Second thing is that the re orientation of EVERY Nigerian is of utmost importance and infact a matter of urgency. We just cannot continue like this. The average Nigerian has no sense of responsibility.

Something has got to give!


  1. Thank your lucky stars my darling, my experiences with Easy Jets in march,2013,@stansted airport on my way to berlin turned my cheers to tears.I was and still dissappointed with their service.Arik air and Easy jets are one and same..be grateful.....
