Sunday 29 January 2012

A Year Older

It's my birthday. Yay!!!

Looking, back on the year just gone by, I can say without fear of contradiction that it has been the most eventful in my life so far. I have been through up's and down's, joy and pain, tears and laughter; so much so that I am a bit surprised that it has only been a year and it all makes me realise how so very fortunate I really am. I have learnt so much and grown so much that I know for sure that I am a very different person from the person I was on this day last year.

Through all my trials this past year, I enjoyed the unwavering love of my family. I have come to appreciate that love truly conquers all. I have come to appreciate that life is a gift, and good health an added bonus - one that should never be taken for granted.

With all of this in mind, I look forward with renewed vigour to the journey ahead.

I may not be where I want to be but I am definitely on course.

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