Sunday 29 January 2012

Crying over spilled milk....

It is incredible how much we worry over situations that cannot be changed. I personally am mightily guilty of this kind of behavior. Something happens or fails to happen and I know with all certainty that the situation cannot be changed; yet I continue to worry. I try to analyze and rationalize the situation. You end up spending more time, energy and emotions and yet yeild no results. I wonder if there is a subconscious emotion that causes this.

I am familiar with the saying "whenever you wake up is your morning" so whats the point crying over spilled milk? Why don't we just get up, dust ourselves and keep forging ahead? In the year just gone by, I have tried to train myself to do just that. I would not say with certainty that I have achieved it completely, but I do know that I am no longer in the place where I used to be. GROWTH!

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