Tuesday 3 July 2012


'Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them'

I saw the above quote somewhere recently and it got me because for me, it is spot on!
A while ago I decided that in order for me to live a peaceful life, I would henceforth treat everyone in the exact same way that they treat me - I do not have children yet. If I did, it may be different - Anyway, this has indeed helped me greatly. It makes me feel better, even though it still does not protect you when someone who has treated you with kindness and respect in the past, for no apparent reason suddenly turns on you.

I am often amazed at how some of the people who demand the most from you are the least willing to lift a finger for you. Almost seeming like you exist in this world solely for "their" benefit.
You know, those ones who you only hear from when they want something. They never call just to chat/catch up or see how you are doing. They are often time too busy even to answer their phones or return a call; but when they want something, they hound you until you give in! It gets better, they often also want the favour done to them strictly on their own terms. Amazing!!

A friend recently came to me asking for a favour. One I could easily do without breaking sweat, but as it turns out, this same friend had previously let me down one too many times and I was not prepared to break my newly imbibed resolution for any reason on account of this person. More so when it was not a life or death kind of situation.
In the past, I would either have let it go, or I would try to find a plausible excuse why I could not oblige. This time, it was different. In the light of my new resolution, I decided to tell this friend exactly why I was unwilling to do this favour. To my utter amazement however, my friend was shocked! I on the other hand honestly did not know what to make of the situation. I could not for the life of me, believe my friend's reaction. Can people really be so oblivious of their character? Why would you automatically assume that I will be willing to do you such a favour when it would not even occur to me to ask you the same or a similar favour because I can almost certainly bet correctly that your response would be unfavourable? I even can almost accurately play in my head, the whole scenario!

Well apparently unlike most, I do not live on a one way street. From whom much is expected much should be given.


  1. GABRIEL MACAULAY-SMITH4 July 2012 at 13:33

    Good write up.l
    keep up the good work. i knew you to be very bright and brilliant. the best of you is still yet to be discovered. i am proud of you

  2. Yeah dont we all have friends like that, who expect the world from us but would not go a mile for us.

  3. Hello Miss Odaro I think your blog is simply fantastic and enlightening. I like the fact that most of the stories are real and they are your experiences. Abstract stories do not really make impact as much as real ones. I like your new resolve about treating people the way they treat you, I think I will adopt that too because it makes a lot of sense. Well done!
